Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Movin' Movin' Movin' Get Those Baby Legs Movin'

The other night BJ decided to show Elizabeth some family photos. When he realized how she was reaching out to the photos, he moved them away from her to see if she would "crawl" towards them. She did! It wasn't pretty, but she was getting from point A to point B. So, we gave her some practice and kept doing it for awhile...she really loved crawling towards her cousins, Jack and Lily. Maybe in a couple of weeks she'll crawl towards the real thing!

Yes, Elizabeth, that's where your daddy came from...weird, they all look normal, huh? I guess a lot of normal makes for abnormal.

1 comment:

Maureen said...

How cute! Love her little dress! UD colors, of course!