Sunday, February 27, 2011

Tub Time with Daddy!

Our evening routine has gotten a little more hectic with another child since at least for now they have to take separate baths. We're looking forward to Sarah being big enough to sit up and take one at the same time with Elizabeth. We usually take baths just about every week night - somehow I think I might trick any germs that come home from daycare. Since Sarah has a little something right now I'm not so sure how successful it is.

Visiting Romp n' Roll

Who swings through the trees with the greatest of ease? The beans! Eliza-beans!

Sister Sister

Every day when Sarah wakes up for the day or from a nap, Elizabeth usually wants to come to her room. And, every time she comes into Sarah's room, she always wants to get in her crib with her. She loves being close to Sarah. Of course she also likes Sarah to visit her big girl bed. Speaking of the big girl bed, Elizabeth has officially been sleeping in there for over a week now. So, this weekend, we packed up the pack n' play that we had put in there since she was having trouble staying in her bed. She's doing great so far! Every morning, we wake up to "Mommy, Daddy, I'm awake!" If we try to hit the snooze button, the "alarm" just gets louder and louder. ha. At least she's not jumping down and running to the door and screaming like she was a couple of months ago. A big girl for the big girl bed.

Sweet Sarah

We pulled out the magic bullet and started the food making process once again. I sort of look forward to making my own baby food. It tastes so much better than the stuff in jars and I like being creative later on in the process. Like Elizabeth, Sarah started with sweet potatoes. She didn't object.
I finally caught Sarah's personality on camera! She is such a happy girl who loves to smile and laugh (especially at/with her big sister). She's starting to interact with some of her toys more now, too - she has a couple that she can grab and move around. Today, she got frustrated with me when I moved her and took away a toy. So cute! Now, if we could only get her sleeping through the night a little better. On most nights, she's still waking up between 1-2am and then again at 5am.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Future Cezanne?

Today was a short nap day, so Elizabeth had plenty of time for activities. We spent some time painting which is a favorite...probably because it's nice and messy. As you can see, she like to not only paint the paper, but also herself a little. Later, she was "lucky" enough to find out how blue paint tastes. She's been consistent in telling us her favorite color is blue right now - hence the blue paper.

Gettin' her exersaucer on

Sarah is experiencing so many new things. We recently started putting her into the exersaucer that a neighbor was nice enough to pass along to us. We didn't have one with Elizabeth (we have a jumperoo which we'll dig back out at some point). She still needs a blanket below her feet since she can't out and a couple more to support her body, but she likes having the vertical view of the world. I'm sure it beats laying on the floor all the time not being able to see the action. As soon as she can interact more with the toys I'm sure this will be a favorite toy.

Saturday, February 12, 2011


This week, Sarah had her 4 month well baby check up. The doctor said to go ahead and start solids since the bottle feeding hasn't been the easiest with her. It seems like even though she's on prevacid, she still has discomfort when she eats. We usually need to rock or bounce to get the whole bottle in her. At daycare, they said they feed her in the swing or the bouncy chair. We think the motion distracts her from the discomfort. So, today Sarah had her first taste of oatmeal on a spoon (we've done a little rice cereal added to her bottle). She didn't turn it away and finished her entire serving (well, between her mouth and on the bib). It's all fun from here. I can't believe our baby girl is eating cereal!!

Soccer Star

BJ has been taking Elizabeth to a Saturday morning soccer program with a couple of her friends and their dads. She's doing really well and it's good to have some indoor running around with the weather outside so cold.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Setting up Shop

Elizabeth still likes to set up shop on the steps by our kitchen. This might have been one of the elaborate set ups in awhile, though. She carried her doll high chair over to the steps and had about a 7 course meal for Joseph (I think - can't tell if it's Anne or Joseph from this photo). She really enjoys playing with her babies - Anne, Joseph (mine and BJ's middle names so we could remember the baby's names), Sweetie (she was the original and we named her first) and finally Katie (named after her cousin Lily's baby doll).

Soon enough she'll have Sarah to play with on the steps. This photo was taken after work this week when mommy was getting dinner ready and Sarah was taking a nap. Our evenings are quick after work, but we manage to have a couple of hours of quality time together.