Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sister Sister

Every day when Sarah wakes up for the day or from a nap, Elizabeth usually wants to come to her room. And, every time she comes into Sarah's room, she always wants to get in her crib with her. She loves being close to Sarah. Of course she also likes Sarah to visit her big girl bed. Speaking of the big girl bed, Elizabeth has officially been sleeping in there for over a week now. So, this weekend, we packed up the pack n' play that we had put in there since she was having trouble staying in her bed. She's doing great so far! Every morning, we wake up to "Mommy, Daddy, I'm awake!" If we try to hit the snooze button, the "alarm" just gets louder and louder. ha. At least she's not jumping down and running to the door and screaming like she was a couple of months ago. A big girl for the big girl bed.

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